Sunday 8 April 2012

The tombs built for ancient Egyptian kings are known as 'pyramids'. Actually, the Egyptian themselves called these tombs 'Mer'. However, since these tombs looked a bit like a pointy topped wheat cakes, the Greeks used the word 'pyramids' to describe them, for 'pyramis' means 'wheat cakes' in Greek. The word 'pyramid' comes from 'pyramis'.

Do you know what is a pyramid shape is..? It is a figure which has four triangular sides that meet at a common point. No one knows exactly why the Egyptians built their tombs in the shape of a pyramid. However, there are many explanations given. Some people feel that pyramid shape represents a hill called "Ben-Ben". It was the first land to ever appear, and it rose out of the water at the beginning of time. Another explanation is that the pyramid shape was used because it had a sloping side that allowed the dead pharaoh to climb up to the sky, and live forever. Other feel that the pyramid represents the rays of the sun. What do you think..?

Why do the ancient Egyptians use the pyramid shape..?

The tombs built for ancient Egyptian kings are known as 'pyramids'. Actually, the Egyptian themselves called these tombs 'Mer'. However, since these tombs looked a bit like a pointy topped wheat cakes, the Greeks used the word 'pyramids' to describe them, for 'pyramis' means 'wheat cakes' in Greek. The word 'pyramid' comes from 'pyramis'.

Do you know what is a pyramid shape is..? It is a figure which has four triangular sides that meet at a common point. No one knows exactly why the Egyptians built their tombs in the shape of a pyramid. However, there are many explanations given. Some people feel that pyramid shape represents a hill called "Ben-Ben". It was the first land to ever appear, and it rose out of the water at the beginning of time. Another explanation is that the pyramid shape was used because it had a sloping side that allowed the dead pharaoh to climb up to the sky, and live forever. Other feel that the pyramid represents the rays of the sun. What do you think..?

Monday 2 April 2012

The great pyramid at Giza are important for two reasons: First of all, they are the largest and sturdiest of all the pyramids that were built till then. The first and the largest pyramid was built for the pharaoh Khufu, and the second for his son Khafra, who  is also known as Chephren. Khafra's pyramid is guarded by the huge Shinx, another famous monument. The third pyramid at Giza was built for the pharaoh Mycerinus.

The second reason for the important of the pyramid at Giza is that though many pyramids were built after these three, none of them could match the Giza pyramid for their size and design. In short, none of the pyramids built before or after the Great Pyramids at Giza could rival them for their sheer impact and magnificence.

The most important and famous among the pyramids are the great pyramid at Giza. The biggest of these is the Great Pyramid also known as Cheops. Building it took 20 years, while the road leading to it was built in 10 years. It is estimated that it would have taken over 2,300,000 blocks of stone with average weight of two and half tons each to finish the pyramid..! Each stone was moved from a quarry and dragged and lifted into place  by over 1,00,000 slaves. The largest stones were cut and floated almost 1120 kms down the Nile to the pyramid site. The stones were dragged and set into place using only the simplest of tools. Is it any wonder that Great Pyramid was considered to one of the wonders of the world..?

What are the different parts of the Great pyramid complex..?
The Great pyramid of Giza is the main part of a complex setting of building. In addition to the Great pyramid, this complex consisted of three smaller pyramids for Khufu's wives. There were also several pits  containing boats that have been buried, and a smller " satellite" pyramid. The complex contained two temples in honour of pharaoh, and a raised causeway that connected the two temples. The pyramid was surrounded by Matsaba tombs for nobles..

Why are Giza pyramid so important..?

The great pyramid at Giza are important for two reasons: First of all, they are the largest and sturdiest of all the pyramids that were built till then. The first and the largest pyramid was built for the pharaoh Khufu, and the second for his son Khafra, who  is also known as Chephren. Khafra's pyramid is guarded by the huge Shinx, another famous monument. The third pyramid at Giza was built for the pharaoh Mycerinus.

The second reason for the important of the pyramid at Giza is that though many pyramids were built after these three, none of them could match the Giza pyramid for their size and design. In short, none of the pyramids built before or after the Great Pyramids at Giza could rival them for their sheer impact and magnificence.

The most important and famous among the pyramids are the great pyramid at Giza. The biggest of these is the Great Pyramid also known as Cheops. Building it took 20 years, while the road leading to it was built in 10 years. It is estimated that it would have taken over 2,300,000 blocks of stone with average weight of two and half tons each to finish the pyramid..! Each stone was moved from a quarry and dragged and lifted into place  by over 1,00,000 slaves. The largest stones were cut and floated almost 1120 kms down the Nile to the pyramid site. The stones were dragged and set into place using only the simplest of tools. Is it any wonder that Great Pyramid was considered to one of the wonders of the world..?

What are the different parts of the Great pyramid complex..?
The Great pyramid of Giza is the main part of a complex setting of building. In addition to the Great pyramid, this complex consisted of three smaller pyramids for Khufu's wives. There were also several pits  containing boats that have been buried, and a smller " satellite" pyramid. The complex contained two temples in honour of pharaoh, and a raised causeway that connected the two temples. The pyramid was surrounded by Matsaba tombs for nobles..

Saturday 31 March 2012

Do you the question astronauts get asked most often.? It's : How do you go to the bathroom in space.? There is a toilet on the shuttle.  Astronauts strap themselves to it they won't float off. Water isn't used to flesh waste products away because it doesn't flow in weightlessness. Air is used instead. It sucks the waste away just like a vacuum cleaner. Solid waste is collected and and disposed of back on Earth. Urine is held in the tank, then released into the space. The temperature of space is so cold that the urine freezes immediately into sparkling ice crystals. Perhaps some UFO sightings were really Urine Floating Outside..! 

Do astronauts have toilet in space..?

Do you the question astronauts get asked most often.? It's : How do you go to the bathroom in space.? There is a toilet on the shuttle.  Astronauts strap themselves to it they won't float off. Water isn't used to flesh waste products away because it doesn't flow in weightlessness. Air is used instead. It sucks the waste away just like a vacuum cleaner. Solid waste is collected and and disposed of back on Earth. Urine is held in the tank, then released into the space. The temperature of space is so cold that the urine freezes immediately into sparkling ice crystals. Perhaps some UFO sightings were really Urine Floating Outside..! 
Tsunami is a Japanese word that means "harbor wave". It is in harbors that tsunamis do
 the most damage. We sometimes call tsunamis tidal waves, though they're not caused by
 tides. Oceanographers call tsunamis seismic sea waves. Whatever their name, those who
lived through them call them killers.

What actually a tsunami..?
It's a wave of water that sometimes follows earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or underwater
 landslides. Not all tsunamis are destructive. In fact if you were out to sea, a tsunami could
 pass under your boat and you would hardly notice. That's because the ocean bottom is so
 deep. But as the wave get closer to land, the ocean becomes shallower and begins to cause
 the wave to crest. Some tsunamis can top 100 feet (30m) by the time they reach shore.
 The largest tsunami ever measured was 212 feet (65m) high.

How fast a tsunami can travel..?
In deep water, a tsunami can travel as fast as  600 mph (1,000 kmph) per hour. It's important
 to remember that a tsunami is usually made up of several  waves moving together. The
distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of another can be as much as 100 miles
 (160 km). So as large wave could hit, followed an hour or so later by still another     

What is a tsunami..?

Tsunami is a Japanese word that means "harbor wave". It is in harbors that tsunamis do
 the most damage. We sometimes call tsunamis tidal waves, though they're not caused by
 tides. Oceanographers call tsunamis seismic sea waves. Whatever their name, those who
lived through them call them killers.

What actually a tsunami..?
It's a wave of water that sometimes follows earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or underwater
 landslides. Not all tsunamis are destructive. In fact if you were out to sea, a tsunami could
 pass under your boat and you would hardly notice. That's because the ocean bottom is so
 deep. But as the wave get closer to land, the ocean becomes shallower and begins to cause
 the wave to crest. Some tsunamis can top 100 feet (30m) by the time they reach shore.
 The largest tsunami ever measured was 212 feet (65m) high.

How fast a tsunami can travel..?
In deep water, a tsunami can travel as fast as  600 mph (1,000 kmph) per hour. It's important
 to remember that a tsunami is usually made up of several  waves moving together. The
distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of another can be as much as 100 miles
 (160 km). So as large wave could hit, followed an hour or so later by still another     

Friday 30 March 2012

         In ancient Egypt, only a man could be the pharaoh. A woman could own land, inherit from family members, and even go to court to defend her rights. But, a queen called Hatshepsut who was suppose to be regent  for her six year old stepson, declared herself to be a pharaoh. This determined woman ruled Egypt for about 20 years, and her rise to power was truly incredible.

          Queen Hatshepsut not only wore a crown, but even a false beard made of real hair, which all the pharaohs were supposed to wear...

How did Queen Hatshepsut become the pharaoh.?

         In ancient Egypt, only a man could be the pharaoh. A woman could own land, inherit from family members, and even go to court to defend her rights. But, a queen called Hatshepsut who was suppose to be regent  for her six year old stepson, declared herself to be a pharaoh. This determined woman ruled Egypt for about 20 years, and her rise to power was truly incredible.

          Queen Hatshepsut not only wore a crown, but even a false beard made of real hair, which all the pharaohs were supposed to wear...

               The cat, in ancient Egypt was sacred and respected creature. They fascinated the Egyptians, and were venerated by all. There was even a cat goddess called Basta, who protected cats and children. The Egyptians prayed to Basta, the cat goddess, to keep the rats out of their grain bins.

               When a cat died, its owner would go into deep mourning and shave his eyebrows as a sign of grief. Cats were also mummified, and bowls of milk along with  mice and rats were kept in their tombs..

Why were cats important to the ancient Egypt.?

               The cat, in ancient Egypt was sacred and respected creature. They fascinated the Egyptians, and were venerated by all. There was even a cat goddess called Basta, who protected cats and children. The Egyptians prayed to Basta, the cat goddess, to keep the rats out of their grain bins.

               When a cat died, its owner would go into deep mourning and shave his eyebrows as a sign of grief. Cats were also mummified, and bowls of milk along with  mice and rats were kept in their tombs..

Thursday 29 March 2012

If you are exposed to a foggy place in the early morning, or got wet in a heavy rain, you may wonder why you experience a special sensation called shivering. this is actually a trick of your body. When you are cold, you need to warm up. And shivering is a form of movement that happens automatically, and helps generate heat.

When muscles contract and relax, they produce heat.This is why you get hot when you run or play games. Sometimes, however, your body gets cold, and your muscles act automatically. They contract and relax rapidly, producing the movement, we call the shivering. In this way, they generate some heat to help to some heat to overcome the effects of the cold.

Sometimes shivering is not enough to warm you up properly. This is why you often jump up and down and flap your arms on cold days. This extra use of muscles produce extra heat. Exposure to cold conditions can be very dangerous to some people. They may suffer from hypothermia, which is a kind of drowsiness and sometimes death. Didn't that thought give you the shivers......??

Why do you shiver when you are cold.?

If you are exposed to a foggy place in the early morning, or got wet in a heavy rain, you may wonder why you experience a special sensation called shivering. this is actually a trick of your body. When you are cold, you need to warm up. And shivering is a form of movement that happens automatically, and helps generate heat.

When muscles contract and relax, they produce heat.This is why you get hot when you run or play games. Sometimes, however, your body gets cold, and your muscles act automatically. They contract and relax rapidly, producing the movement, we call the shivering. In this way, they generate some heat to help to some heat to overcome the effects of the cold.

Sometimes shivering is not enough to warm you up properly. This is why you often jump up and down and flap your arms on cold days. This extra use of muscles produce extra heat. Exposure to cold conditions can be very dangerous to some people. They may suffer from hypothermia, which is a kind of drowsiness and sometimes death. Didn't that thought give you the shivers......??